Personal Training

Just as you can’t achieve weight loss by spot reduction exercises, the same is true for improving your overall wellness! An effective and efficient fitness program requires calming the mind, building lean muscle, and increasing flexibility.

In our Personal Training program, we take a comprehensive and holistic whole-person approach to help you gradually improve the function of your body. Our program incorporates mindfulness activities, dynamic flexibility training, and a strength routine that builds as your capacity increases. Our services occur in an environment that inspires and challenges you to be your best.

Our Lifestyle Fit Personal Training Program includes the following:

Fuel and Train like a champion Seminar

We appreciate your interest in having Tim Collins host a future Wellness event at your business or organization! He has formerly taught at the College of Saint Mary, has over 15 years of experience in lifestyle coaching, and is a licensed clinical hypnotherapist. Furthermore, he's been a keynote speaker for Toastmasters International, Abide, and the Nebraska Youths Corrections facility, and he regularly presents to local public schools, churches, and podcasts. His training provides expert knowledge and practical tips on optimizing physical health by fueling and training like a champion. 

His philosophy on fueling and training your body like a champion doesn't require perfection; it means being a little bit better today than yesterday, which leads to discovering new abilities and growth. The Fuel and Train Like a Champion Seminar is an immersive experience of 90 minutes; however, sessions could be longer or shorter depending on your organization's goals.  Let us know your specific needs, and we would be happy to give you more details about how we can structure the program to fit your organization!

We are grateful and excited for this tremendous opportunity to share our time, knowledge, and wisdom with your students, staff, and leadership team to help them live more productively! Call us today to learn more about our Fuel and Train Like a Champion seminar series!